DO YOU WANT TO WRITE A GREAT WORK?All you need is the pen or a keyboard. If its' in your heart, you can and will.PanEagle and Eagle Works offers these 5 STEPS.
First Step;
Get it all down. Write and write and write. Set
a same time of day writing period. Don't edit. Do not edit. xuxyusyee.
If you edit first, it won't come out. So write without remorse.
Be honest. Get the facts, and tell it as it is. Express emotion
and fear and worry and realization all. Make sure its' all there.
Second Step; Only if step one is done, now edit, and
re-edit. Yes, it is work, but work that is well worth it.
The formula
is work = success. Edit your thoughts, approach, and results.
Good Editors would edit at least 10 times if not more. You
must read and re-read, making sure it is very clear, readable
for the layman and even the young child. You have to realize
how smart and how stupid everyone is. A good work will be read.
The world will ask for it, as if it came out of thin air. Make it so.
Third Step;
Feedback. Do not devalue your writing. Writing is a gift.
Using mind and ideas is fortunate and blessed. The value of
good writing is the idea whose time has come. You have
something to say. You have a unique experience to tell.
You are special and private or public, the writing is reaching
out to the world. Your connected. Let it be. You have
written it all, edited it down, and now realize its value.
Let it be, and let someone read it. Now you may have
to reconsider and reconvene. What does it need? What
does it lack? What does it show? This takes you to truth
and consequences. The work will prove itself, you will see.
Fourth Step;
Follow through.Now you have to overcome the obstacles to publish.
Where to publish? What is the target audience?
Paneagle finds each work has a place. The best place
is the perfect place. It may be a blogspot, magazine,
forum, newspaper, or book. But you have to say, hey,
this is where it should be. Follow through with the
contacts, and the permissions. What value is this
work? Where does it belong? What truth is being told?
Ask the questions and follow the answers. The mind
must be detached now, as you let go. The effort
has been done. The results will come. There is a place for your work.
Fifth Step; Now you feel the satisfaction of creation.
You find the manifestation of effort. You have expressed
in feeling and thought, and must know the spirit within
the you that lives in this writing. The fifth step is simply being.
You are a writer. You can write. You have achieved a
state of being. You have shown your consciousness. And
it changes us. It is fulfilling, and it is valuable. All along
you had to trust it, and now it comes back to say, my
beauty, you are beautiful. It is a good feeling. Now you
know why your wrote and slaved and found. You may
also find your in the money. A nice return on investment.
take a breath and prepare for your next assignment.
Paneagle and Eagleworks writes for a living, is a man of
letters, and consouls with people on just about anything,
on writing, travel, love, relationships, career, success,
dreams and past lives, cycles, sports, consciousness,
and much more.
Write for contact with
eagle works on becoming the writer you want to be,
coordinating your life and times, or finding yourself
and soul, or anything else you want to be or know.
Mr. Adams teaches all subjects, has written at least
3 e-books; Dancing in the Kitchen, Destiny, and Soul
of Stars, writes stories, novels, songs, poems, self-help
non-fiction, astrology, and online articles, in all genre's.
He can show you how to tap into the creative imagination.
He can help you develop your deepest writing potential.
He can simply provide a direct answer or a solid direction."With love in the nature, all is well!"